Colron Finishing Wax can be applied directly over previously waxed or polished surfaces, but for the best results old finishes should be removed. Wax, polish or lacquer should be removed using Colron Wax Remover. Paint, enamel and polyurethane varnish should be removed using Colron Furniture Stripper.
Apply a thin coat of Colron Finishing Wax along the grain using a lint free cloth or fine steel wool. When touch dry, buff along the grain with a clean cloth or steel wool. Apply a second coat and repeat step 2. Subsequent coats ot Colron Finishing Wax can be applied as required to maintain the finish.
Warning: Do not use Colron Finishing Wax over Colron Liquid Beeswax as it will effect the color achieved.
Note: Some local authorities have special facilities for disposing of waste products. Do not empty into drains and watercourses.